Technical Stock Screener
There are many swing traders out there who trade stocks base on technical indicators. However, most of us are not programmers and it is almost impossible to find stocks to trade base on these technical indicators. For one, we will have to manually go through 7,000 stocks that are currently trading on the NASDAQ, NYSE or AMEX. This is a tedious task and by the time we find the stocks we need, the patterns will already be changed.
Many stock traders pay membership fees to use trading softwares that does the task for you. However, there are many stock market beginners who can't afford to use these trading softwares end up having a disadvantage and having a difficult time to apply the technical analysis they learn into real trading.
Fortunately, there is now a website that offers this service for free.
Check out the free technical stock scan.
You will be able to find stocks base on Candlestick, technical Indicators, and Technical Oscillators. Here are a few of the screens available at this site.